Monday, August 31, 2009

quite possibly the loudest baby ever

jumping in action

puppy love

bogey licks jasper and jasper pulls bogey's hair out... fair trade

more jumping

he really does have blue eyes

the one and only picture that shows a hint of blue

all other pictures show brown eyes... not the case

our little monkey

loving the doorway jumper... notice the monkey pj's

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

homemade baby food

cooking pears
blending pears

36days worth of pears for breakfast

16 days worth of carrots (1/2 a bag of organic carrots)

16 days worth of peas (1 sm bag of organic peas)
although it's much faster to buy babyfood in the jars.. it's WAY more cost effective to make it at home. Each different food took about an hour to make including clean up.
for example:
6 organic pears = $6.68
1 hour of time = $0
36 days of pears for breakfast = $0.19/day
1 jar of organic pears = $0.89 (on sale) 1/2 of a jar for breakfast = $0.45
if anyone is interested in swapping batches of food let me know

our little tummy sleeper

for the last few mornings we've found him awake on his belly.. today he decided to nap that way. apperantly he can roll from his back to his belly now.. we haven't actually witnessed it